Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Top 5 Time Killers

Killing time is something we all have to do at some time or another.  The question is, how are we going to do so, and what degree of satisfaction, or utility, is the time killed going to bring to us?
As I've contemplated the techniques I've used in the past on killing time, I came up with the following list of my personal top five time killers:

1. Get a subscription to Netflix - Netflix has a number of tv episodes and movies, and is available on your smartphone to watch anytime, anywhere!

2. Read a book - I've always found that if I keep a good book nearby I can kill time with ease.

3.  Get online - There are thousands and thousands of websites available to us at our fingertips! This means thousands of great potential time killers.  I can always kill a good amount of time by reading the news, checking social networks, or looking through emails.  The possibilities are endless online!

4.  Take a nap - This is a great time killer, although it does have it's associated risks. If you're on a tight schedule you may want to set an alarm of some sort so you don't sleep through your next appointment.

5.  Play a game - Again, a smartphone can come in handy if you are looking for a specific game to play.  There are a number of other options including playing cards, paper-rock-scissors, or crossword puzzles.
What time killers work the best for you?

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